Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gastric Bypass in Tijuana - the Pros

The cost of gastric bypass surgery is very expensive in the United States and may prohibit people of limited means to get the weight loss help they need. However, gastric bypass in Tijuana, Mexico, can be performed at a much lower cost than in the U.S., and by bariatric surgeons who are as qualified as any American specialists. 

Research has shown that obesity is an increasingly alarming problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), of 22 industrialized countries, the U.S. has the highest obesity statistics. Two thirds of Americans over age 20 are overweight, and nearly one third of Americans over age 20 are obese.

A healthy diet and good exercise regime is the best solution. However, neither may work or may not be appropriate for everyone. Gastric bypass surgery may be the only solution for people facing the possibility of a shortened life through heart disease, diabetes, hypertension or the various other diseases and disorders attributed to obesity.

How Gastric Bypass Burgery Works?

Gastric bypass surgery is the most frequently performed bariatric surgery. It is very simple, with the least side effects and a very high success rate for permanently changing eating habits.
It has two methods of implementation. With the Roux-en-Y method, a bariatric surgeon staples part of the stomach and creates a bypass to the small intestine. The stomach then becomes full much faster making it much more difficult to overeat.

The other method is called biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Here the surgeon removes about 80% of the stomach. The remaining portion of the stomach automatically accepts less food and forces a person to eat smaller portions. However, it is considered the riskier of the two because malnutrition and vitamin deficiency may result.

With either method diet and exercise are still important, but the chances of losing weight are significantly increased.

Why Go to Tijuana?

This is a major surgery and very expensive in the United States. Not all people who need it have insurance that will cover it. The chances for an affordable option for weight loss surgery in Mexico are much greater than anywhere in the U.S.

Tijuana is very easy to reach. It is only a few miles south of San Diego. Many Americans travel to Tijuana frequently for the cheaper, but highly qualified medical care Mexico offers. A medical tourist agency can be hired to recommend the best bariatric surgeons, and make all the arrangements including hotel and travel. And the cost will still be less than staying at home.

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